Brentwood Builders was selected to build the $7M Arbogast Performing Arts Center in North Dayton. Since the beginning of time, people have gathered together to be entertained, learn, and grow as a community. The APAC will now be that place for for the upper Miami Valley and we could not be more excited to have a hand in it!
The Arbogast Performing Arts Center will be a 39,000-square-foot facility (which includes a 1,00 seat auditorium) that sits on the Troy Christian Schools campus. This building will be a huge asset to the school and the community, alike. The APAC will have a variety of different uses with the 3 primary being events, education and entertainment.
Corporate events: meetings, training sessions, celebrations
Non-Profit events: fundraisers, conferences, gallery space
Local schools: choir, theater, music performances
Lecture series
Student field trips for interactive learning
With the ground breaking back in September, we are well on our way to making this incredible facility become a reality. Donations are still being collected if you are interested in being involved in the financing of the build. Stay tuned for more updates on the APAC!